Wireless Audits
We provide Wireless Audits for RF Coverage, Interference and vulnerabilities. Our wireless audit reports rate carrier building coverage using industry performance indicators. The Audit gives building owners the information to request telecom carriers and Wi-Fi service providers to review current service levels and to provide potential corrective solutions.
We test CDMA, GSM, LTE, 5G and WiFi Coverage
- Wireless Carrier Coverage
- Quality of the wireless signal
- Strength of the wireless signal
- Available data throughput
- RF Interference
- Unauthorizedwireless access de vices
Power Audits
We provide DC and AC power audits for energy consumption, amp levels, active circuits, battery health, controller performance, generator performance and potential voltage leaks. Our power audit reports quantify kWh consumption, active circuits, battery health, number of vulnerabilities and identifies what actions can be taken to reduce energy consumption and increase savings.
We help customers reduce power costs through the following audit activities.
- Verify Amps billed are Amps used
- Verify Circuits billed are in use
- Identify equipment rack consolidation
- Verify battery string life cycles
- Verify Backup Generator operations
- Identify power hazards through thermal scanning
We have conducted Wireless and/or Power audits for carriers and building owners in the following facilities.
- Co-locations
- Central Offices
- Cell Sites
- Huts
- Data Centers
- Commercial properties